Archive by Author

On-site Fueling or Going Retail?

  For organizations that own a fleet of vehicles or large equipment, fuel is often a cause for concern. Up to 40% of operating costs can be attributed to fuel use. For small fleets, fueling your vehicles at retail gas stations may be the most viable option; however, for fleets of 10 or more vehicles/equipment, off-site […]

How Auto Odometer Can Help Your Organization

  For an organization running a fleet of vehicles, capturing odometer or hour meter data is essential. One method often used is manual input or reporting by drivers, often causing the data to be incorrect or not captured at all. A more reliable, accurate, easier and faster method to calculate fuel efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions is […]

Poka-Yoke: How Really Fool-proof is your Fuel Management?

  The differences between the North American and the Japanese schools of management and production have been studied for decades now. These differences were exacerbated when Toyota started to gain market share from its North American competitor, Ford, in the automotive mass-market. Between discussions on Ford’s Fordism and Toyota’s Just-in-time production theories, Shigeo Shingo, a […]

Water as an Asset – Six Tips to Use Yours Better

  Discussions on ways organizations can become more actively involved in water governance are taking place at all levels in both the private and public spheres. The high costs of treating salt water and the limited access to fresh water due to pollution, overuse and climate changes challenge governments and companies to manage the distribution […]

fueling truck

Do you really know how fuel efficient your fleet is?

Fleet management has always been a big concern in organizations that use their own vehicles to run their operations. One of the main issues of Fleet Management is the fuel efficiency of vehicles. Knowing that up to 40% of operating costs in an organization come from fuel, technology companies have developed a proven way to identify […]


Five Ideas to Save your Organization’s Fuel

Have you ever stopped to think about how much your organization spends every day on fuel? As you may already know from our previous article, up to 40% of operating costs in an organization come from fuel. So, if you want to decrease your operating costs, increase your profits and create a competitive advantage, cutting fuel is […]

Fuel Vehicle

Do you really know where your fuel is being used?

If fuel is part of your operations, it is certainly one of your organization’s most valuable resources and should be treated as such. Did you know that up to 40% of operating costs can come from fuel? Did you also know there is a proven way to reduce your fuel usage costs by mitigating the […]


Mandatory Fossil Fuel Emission Report Programs

These are delicate times when governments are worried about climate changes. Programs to control the discharge of GHG are becoming more and more common around the globe. However, to be successful, authorities need to ensure both quantity and quality of an important resource: DATA. To obtain information on GHG emissions, countries that have implemented a […]


Greenhouse Gas Accountability

The carbon tax is perhaps the most persuasive and efficient approach that authorities are using to reduce the man-made increase in carbon dioxide gases. By imposing a price on the burning of carbon-based fuels, businesses, investors and individuals can be held accountable for the impact of their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The tax is intended […]