Water as an Asset – Six Tips to Use Yours Better

Discussions on ways organizations can become more actively involved in water governance are taking place at all levels in both the private and public spheres. The high costs of treating salt water and the limited access to fresh water due to pollution, overuse and climate changes challenge governments and companies to manage the distribution of this vital resource. The main consumers of fresh water are manufacturing and agricultural industries, as well as households. Whether to comply with policies, prevent misuse, or save money, we can all implement some actions to more efficiently manage water usage:
1. Measure. By knowing where and how water is used, it is easier to create campaigns and promote changes.
2. Infrastructure. The installation of water-saving features can reduce consumption by up to 35%1.
3. Maintenance. Constant and proper upkeep of water infrastructure is also key to ensure a high quality of water and avoid waste.
4. Reuse. Depending on quality requirements, the same water can be used for other processes. Industrial water consumption is responsible for 22% of global water use2.
5. Harvest. Capturing rainwater is an example of how you can tap into a source other than the potable water distributed by utilities to meet your raw water needs.
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1. 45+ Ways to Conserve Water in the Home and Yard. (2018). Eartheasy Guides & Articles. Retrieved 15 August 2018, from https://learn.eartheasy.com/guides/45-ways-to-conserve-water-in-the-home-and-yard/
2. Quality and Wastewater | UN-Water. (2018). UN-Water. Retrieved 20 August 2018, from http://www.unwater.org/water-facts/quality-and-wastewater/